The Best Lawns Begin With Bolero™!
Start It Right – Keep It Green!
Bolero™ Starter & Lawn Food Bolero™ Lawn Seed Bolero™ Instruction Guides
The Best Lawns Begin with
™ Fertilizer
This product line includes an 8-16-16 Sod and Seed STARTER and a 25-3-6 LAWN FOOD in 16 pound
consumer bags.
Both formulations of Bolero™ Fertilizer have been custom blended to include sulfur, to help balance the
pH in our Northern California soils, along with micro nutrients and humic acid, to provide state of the art fertilizers. Bolero™ fertilizer is perfectly suited for all micro-climates.
Why Fertilize?
All plants including lawns, shrubs, trees, flowers and vegetables are living things and require certain nutrients to live, grow
and produce green lawns, beautiful flowers and vegetables. Bolero™ Sod and Seed STARTER is formulated
with a high phosphate and potash content to help newly planted lawns and plants develop a sturdy root system and strong top
growth. A vigorous root system enables plants to absorb water and nutrients critical for good foliage, flower and vegetable
development. Bolero™ LAWN FOOD contains four forms of nitrogen for quick and extended greening.

Insist on the Best! Insist on
™ Brand Grass Seed!
Delta Bluegrass Company offers our exclusive Bolero™ Premium Sod Quality Seed. This seed is available
in convenient 3 and 10 pound consumer caddies.
Bolero™ Sod Quality Seed is the same high quality seed used on the Delta Bluegrass Company sod farms. Unlike most other commonly available grass seed, Bolero™ seed has the designation “Sod
Quality”. This is a category that only a very small percentage of grass seed fits into. Sod Quality Seed has no weeds or
other crop seeds present. This assures you the best stand possible for your seeding needs. Most other commonly available
grass seed does not carry the designation of “Sod Quality”.
Other Seed Blends also available… Contact Us for Details!